Functions, but baits and switches you
Ive been using this app for a while. I like how it works but a couple of things anger me about it. You shouldnt have to pay money for an app that needs you to upgrade to access extra features. If this 7.99 app had been free, Id have forgiven it. You have to pay to access details on anything over your 3rd geocache. You can only see 20 log histories etc. its a bunch of asinine and arbitrary restrictions. The user interface seemed designed by someone with aspergers. Once you get comfortable with it, its fine, but it seems like such a roundabout way of getting some fing dots to show up on a god forsaken map! Jeeze how complicated and snafu like does it have to be? Keep it simple stupid. Thats the KISS design rule that geosphere ignores.
aaronoct about
Geocaching with Geosphere, v3.1